Monday, December 11, 2006

LAD #17- Carnegie's Gospel of Wealth

Andrew Carnegie was a mogel of the steel industry. He came from Scotland, but once in America was able to gain a massive amount of walth, much of which he gave back to the community in the form of libraries and other structures for the public good. He wanted to help bind together the rich and poor, and criticized the difference between the mansions and the huts in which Americans lived in. However, he did praise the social achievements, and stated that people are better off today (in his tim eperiod) than they were beforehand. He wanted to distribute his wealth to the people rather than keep it for himself and his family after his death. He did not want to be almost monarchial, leavcing his possessions to his children, as many people in Europe did. Rather, he wanted to give it away to the people who would benefit the most from it. He wanted to lead a life, not of extravagance, but rather of goodness. He did not want to just give money to the people for them to do whatever they choose with it, but he would rather give money in the forms of buildings and to give greater opporitunities to the people, through libraries so the people have a chance to become more intellectual.