Sunday, October 01, 2006

Political Cartoon #2- Rise It Will

1. Interpret the cartoon. What historical event/issue is being represented?
In the cartoon, the ratification of the Constitution is being discussed. As each state ratified the Constitution, one ‘pillar’ is added. As more and more pillars are added, the structure, or the wall, becomes more stable. This is like the Constitution because it became a better form of government than the Articles, and gave more power to the Federal government.

2. What is the message that the cartoonist is trying to convey? Which side of the issue does he support?
The author is quite obviously in support of the formation of a united nation under a written Constitution. The quote on the top, the “Pillar of the National Dome” symbolizes the United States under the Constitution. The author is trying to convey the message that under the Constitution, the United States would be a solid nation with a well-grounded government.

3. What effect(s) did this cartoon have on American History? What were the results of this issue being addressed?
The impacts of this cartoon were significant. It encouraged the ratification of the Constitution. Although there only needed to be consent from seven of the thirteen colonies, in reality, all thirteen of them needed to ratify the Constitution because it could not be forced upon them if they were unwilling to adopt it and abide by its regulations. However, before the Constitution, the base for the country was not very strong as a whole. The Articles gave the majority of the power to the states, which left a weak central government, which lacked essential powers, such as the enforcing of taxing. With the ratification of the Constitution, the country could unite under a uniform set of laws, and become the powerful nation it is today.


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