Sunday, January 07, 2007

LAD #20- Bryan’s “Cross of Gold” Speech

This speech was delivered by William Jennings Bryan at the Democratic National Convention. It was over the issue of whether to allow for the free coinage of silver at a ratio of silver to gold 16:1. This would increase the total amount of money in circulation, and would thus help the cash-poor and debtors. Bryan was the forerunner Democratic nominee for president. He said that he wanted to speak to the people on the basis of saving humanity. It was widely that the Democrats were those who were supporters of silver coinage. He stated that all people were equal, whether they were a coal miner or a legislator in Congress. HE wanted to stand up against the gross possessors of wealth in the country. He was also one in favor of the income tax, as it took more money from the wealthy, who were more easily able to do away with it. He also thought that the government should be in control of money, and that power should not go in the hands of banks. He also stated that if the gold standard was a bad thing, that the United States should not wait to do away with it, but rather be the first to do away with it. Republicans thought that if the upper-class was prosperous, that their wealth would leak down into the lower classes. Many Democrats, however, thought that if you made the lower classes more prosperous, then it would leak up the other levels of society. Cities are in favor of the gold standard, for if you burnt them down, they would reappear. However, if you burnt down all the farms, everything would wither away. The country would no longer be able to function. Thus, Bryan was in favor of the silver coinage system.


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